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Why Clip on Veneers are good for Nervous patients

For some people, a trip to the dentist can be a much more difficult task than for others. Everyone is scared of something and for some people; the dentist is their biggest fear. Whether they are scared due to a bad past experience or because of the sound of the whirring drill, it is important that dentists do all they can to reassure nervous patients and help them combat their fears.

Luckily, we live in a modern world where many of the old dentistry techniques and procedures are outdated and advanced in dental cosmetics like clip on veneers can make almost any smile beautiful.

Many nervous patients associate a trip to the dentist with pain, bleeding and unpleasant things being poked around inside their mouth which is why clip in smile or veneers are a item that would feel more confutable to have then going to the dentist. Or It is the modern cosmetic dentist’s job to do all they can to eliminate this awful stereotype and help nervous patients get the dental treatment they need whilst not scaring them but we know that some of you a trip to the dentist is not good at all and the snap in smile would be better suited for them.

One of the biggest fears for many nervous patients is the drill and one of the most popular reason people purchase clip on veneers. For those that need more then a removable smile makeover and you need an actual dental filling, something a clip on veneer cannot be used as replacement for. Well, now there is technology called ‘Crystal Air’ which can be used as an alternative to the drill. This is an air abrasion system which uses a thin stream of air to gently remove plaque instead of the drill. For nervous patients this technology is fantastic – it enables them to combat their fears and does not cause any discomfort whatsoever.

The fact that nowadays much better local anaesthetics are available means that patients should not feel any pain whatsoever whilst undergoing dental treatment but again for those looking for a new smile a clip on veneer is totally painless. For those who are still too nervous, many dental practices offer anaesthesia as well. These practices will work alongside a trained anaesthetist to make sure that the patient is asleep during procedures. This can really help nervous patients, especially if they need extensive work but cannot face it.

Another amazing piece of modern dental technology is ‘The Wand’. This fantastic bit of kit is a system designed to administer injections of local anaesthetic so gently that patients do not even realise it has happened! The Wand is great for people with a phobia of needles as it is so gentle, it literally is unnoticeable. Extremely useful for treatments such as root canals and implants, the wand administers anaesthetic slowly through a computerised system and a hand piece that looks like an innocent pen. Although if you had a clip on veneer you would not need a wand or a drill or any type on anaesthetics.

If you are a nervous patient, and the clip on veneer is definitely worth a try. If you need some problems fixed then do try to find a cosmetic dentist that offers The Wand and Crystal Air as these technologies really do help nervous patients beat their fear of the dentist.